Wednesday, May 16, 2007

to auction she goes...

Linda is at the auction today getting some more great things for you.
This truck will be unloaded at the Lucketts sale this weekend.

late-breaking news...

As you can see from the above postcard we have begun our move to 30 S. King Street.
May 25: the "chicks" GIANT moving sale begins. The heat's on to clear out!!
June 2: the "chicks" last flea at 212 Loudoun Street, SE from 8 'til 4

lucketts spring antique sale...

This Friday and Saturday (May 19 & 20) we will be at the Lucketts Spring Antique Sale -- we will be set-up from 10 'til 5 both days on the grounds of the historic Lucketts Community Center, admission is $5. Our shop will be open too -- so drop by and see us at both locations.

We are looking forward to another great weekend -- come see us and join in the fun!

just pictures...

life is better at the beach...

Life is better at the beach...I will soon be testing that theory.

Here is the "beach" room I have been decorating at the shop.

new stuff...

Here are a few pictures of the new stuff at our new location.

a few of my favorite things...

Here were some of my favorite things at the flea...

the "chicks" flea in april...

This "chicks" flea in April was a great success! Thanks in large part to our wonderful vendors and wonderful customers.

I found some really great stuff...and if you missed this one you are in luck because the next one will be Saturday, June 2.
Stay tuned for more details.

the writing desk...

This desk has sold, but I just had to share these pictures -- this is a one-of-a-kind! You've gotta love it!!

humpty dumpty sat on the wall...

Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall...

I'm not joking -- he really did fall!! It happened on the way home from Auction in the back of the truck. I just had to share this picture, isn't he fabulous!


I just have to add this picture before I get started.

Anyone who knows Quinn, knows he loves Spiderman. Well, my mom found out that Spiderman was going to be appearing at the Mall and she couldn't wait to take him there to meet his favorite action hero. Quinn was so excited he could harly stand it!!

Here is Quinn with his favorite action hero!

a little longer than expected...

Okay -- so it was a very, very long day...

You asked for it, so here it is!!

Friday, May 11, 2007

lots more to come...

Well you are probably wondering what has been going on...

I will be back later today to let you know!!